Create a good Frontend Architecture with Angular: Frontend Course
September 6, 2019 2022-10-31 16:48Create a good Frontend Architecture with Angular: Frontend Course
Create a good Frontend Architecture with Angular: Frontend Course
Here at Apium Academy we’re starting the new academic course with full power. This monday, September 9th the new Frontend Architecture Course in Barcelona, taught by Román Predein, Frontend Developer at Apiumhub. During the course, you’ll learn how to create a good Frontend Architecture with Angular through 8 lessons.
Frontend Architecture Course: Angular
In this course about Frontend Architecture the sudents will learn to work with Angular in a reactive way, architect a scalable and maintainable code, understand how to use the framework properly and how to create a complex UI using best practices.
You will get to know: all the building blocks of an Angular application, the basics of Typescript, how to manage your application state with Redux implementation (RxJs) and how to apply TDD to keep the code free of bugs.
At Apium Academy we show the applications on real, current issues of the theoretical knowledge, with practical exercises done with the teacher’s help. We also pay special attention to methodology, and our teachers will make sure the students learn how to apply best practices on their daily tasks so they can create a quality code.
Frontend Architecture Course outline:
- Lesson 1 (9/09): Typescript
- Lesson 2 (12/09): CSS Architecture
- Lesson 3 (16/09): Angular
- Lesson 4 (18/09): RxJs
- Lesson 5 (23/09): Decoupling Services
- Lesson 6 (25/09): Testing
- Lesson 7 (30/09): Components
- Lesson 8 (2/10): Patterns
Frontend Architecture Course Topics
- Typescript (polymorphism, inheritance, immutability…)
- CSS Architecture (BEM, flexbox, grid…)
- HTML for Angular (Directives, Pipes, Attr, Events…)
- RxJs (Observer pattern, operators…)
- Decoupling services (Repository pattern, domain service…)
- Testing
- Components + CDK (accessibility, portals, overlays…)
- Patterns (MVP, MVVM, MVC, Factory, builder, adapter, facade, decorator…)
How to enroll to the Frontend Architecture Course?
You have two methods to enroll to the Frontend Architecture Course: contacting us, or via Xing, a 100% secure platform where you’ll be able to do the payment right away. Price: 363€
Also, remember that next tuesday, September 17th will be the starting point of the Backend Architecture Course, which will be taught by Álvaro García, Principal Engineer at Apiumhub, and Rafa Ruiz, Tech Lead at the same company.