Micro-Frontends: sign up for the Building Micro-Frontends Workshop!
June 30, 2020 2022-10-27 11:10Micro-Frontends: sign up for the Building Micro-Frontends Workshop!
Micro-Frontends: sign up for the Building Micro-Frontends Workshop!
Micro-frontends are the answer to today’s increasingly complex web applications. Inspired by the microservices model, this approach lets organizations break interfaces into separate features managed by different teams of developers. Microservices provide a way for scaling our projects and teams but so far there weren’t many options for frontend development. Micro-frontends are the answer for medium-large frontend applications, scale your team and empower them, de-risk your deployment strategy, innovate inside your team and share with the broader business.
Building Micro-Frontends Workshop: a workshop by Luca Mezzalira
We’ve a new exciting online course coming up at Apium Academy. Next September 17th, Luca Mezzalira, vice president of architecture at DAZN. In his 16-year career, Luca has worked on cutting-edge projects for mobile, desktop, web, TVs, set-top boxes, and embedded devices. Luca is a Google Developer Expert on web technologies, the author of Front-End Reactive Architectures (Apress) and manager of the London JavaScript community, is giving a Micro-Frontends Workshop.
During this online workshop students will explore the technological impact of micro-frontends in their organization, learn how to identify, generate, and orchestrate micro-frontends, identify areas of an application UI that individual teams can handle, understand and manage the complexity that micro-frontends bring inside an organization & establish end-to-end automation for building and deploying micro-frontends using the strangler pattern.
New online format: a practical approach
We always listen to our students feedback so we can keep improving. One of the most recurrent wishes from our students due to COVID-19 situation, is to offer online practical workshops.
So, the workshop will consist of a total of 1 session of 3 hours. It will be a workshop with practical exercises focused on applying the acquired knowledge. With that structure in mind, here’s the resulting course outline:
Micro-Frontends Workshop Outline:
- Introduction to micro-frontends
- The current status of Frontend applications
- What are Micro-Frontends?
- Core Principles
- Benefits of working with Micro-Frontends
- Who is using them?
- Knowledge checkpoint
- Q&A
- Break
- Architectural implementation
- How to structure an application using Micro-Frontends
- Core elements of a Micro-Frontend application
- Micro-Frontends decisions framework
- Q&A
- Break
- Automation as a first-class object
- Testing and Static Analysis
- Sequential versus Parallel Automation Execution
- DAZN Automation Pipeline
- Deployment Strategies
- Q&A
- Break
- Technical challenges
- Mindset Shift
- Working by Contracts
- Code Reusability
- Dependency Management
- Q&A
- Break
- Teams organization
- Team Structure – core teams, features teams
- On boarding
- Developers Retention
- Q&A
- Wrap-up and Q&A
- Core Micro-Frontends elements recap
- Bibliography & Links to Resources
- Q&A
How to enroll?
You have two methods to enroll to the Building Micro-Frontends Online Workshop: contacting us, or via Xing, a 100% secure platform where you’ll be able to do the payment right away. Price: 100€