Software Architecture Influencers that make a difference

Software Architecture Influencers that make a difference
The software architecture community thrives and grows through sharing knowledge and there are software architecture influencers who actively contribute to the community, participating in software architecture events, writing articles, books, giving hands-on workshops, etc.
Following these software architects will help you stay updated and constantly learn new things.
Apiumhub team has curated a list of our favorite software architecture influencers and hope some also resonate with you. This year Apiumhub & Apium Academy teams also organize Global Software Architecture Summit and we managed to reunite some of these software architects in Barcelona for 2 days ( October 1 -2) to share experiences, new patterns, new discoveries, discuss proven practices, painful issues and interesting solutions. We hope you will find it interesting and useful!
Software architecture influencers that make a difference
1.Mark Richards ( Web, Twitter, Amazon )
Mark Richards is an experienced, hands-on software architect involved in the architecture, design, and implementation of microservices architectures, service-oriented architectures, and distributed systems. He has been in the software industry since 1983 and has significant experience and expertise in application, integration, and enterprise architecture. Mark is the founder of, a free resource website devoted to helping developers in the journey to software architect. He is the author of numerous technical books and videos from O’Reilly, including several books on Microservices, the Software Architecture Fundamentals video series, Enterprise Messaging video series, Java Message Service, 2nd Edition, and a contributing author to 97 Things Every Software Architect Should Know. Mark has a master’s degree in computer science and numerous architect and developer certifications from IBM, Sun, The Open Group, and Oracle. Mark has spoken at hundreds of conferences and user groups around the world on a variety of enterprise-related technical topics. Check our latest Online Workshop with Mark Richards here.
Neal is Director, Software Architect, and Meme Wrangler at ThoughtWorks. Before joining ThoughtWorks, Neal was the Chief Technology Officer at The DSW Group, Ltd. He is an internationally recognized expert on software development and delivery, especially in the intersection of agile engineering techniques and software architecture. Neal authored magazine articles and authored many books including “Building Evolutionary Architectures: Support Constant Change“, “Functional Thinking: Paradigm Over Syntax“, “The Productive Programmer (Theory in Practice (O’Reilly)” and many others, dozens of video presentations, and spoken at hundreds of developers conferences worldwide, one of them is O’Reilly Software Architecture Conference. His topics include software architecture, continuous delivery, functional programming, cutting edge software innovations, and includes a business-focused book and video in improving technical presentations. His primary consulting focus is the design and construction of large-scale enterprise applications.
Carola Lilienthal is Senior Software Architect and Managing Director at WPS – Workplace Solutions and loves to design good structured, long-living software systems. Since 2003, she and her teams are using DDD to achieve this goal. DDD and long-livingness of software architectures are the topic of many talks she has given on various conferences, one of them is O’Reilly Software Architecture Conference. She condensed her experience in the book “Sustainable Software Architecture” and translated the book “Domain-Driven Design Distilled” by Vaughn Vernon into German.
Nathaniel T. Schutta is a software architect focused on cloud computing and building usable applications. A proponent of polyglot programming, Nate has written multiple books and appeared in various videos. Nate is a seasoned speaker regularly presenting at conferences worldwide, No Fluff Just Stuff symposia, meetups, universities, and user groups. In addition to his day job, Nate is an adjunct professor at the University of Minnesota where he teaches students to embrace dynamic languages. Driven to rid the world of bad presentations, Nate coauthored the book Presentation Patterns with Neal Ford and Matthew McCullough. Nate recently published Thinking Architecturally available as a free download from Pivotal. Nate’s presentations cover a variety of topics ranging from software architecture, microservices, cloud computing, site reliability engineering and everything in between.
Rebecca is an object design pioneer who invented the set of design practices known as Responsibility-Driven Design (RDD) and by accident started the x-Driven Design meme. She authored two popular object design books that are still in print. She was the design columnist for IEEE Software. You can find her design columns, papers, and writing at In her work, Rebecca’s helps teams and individuals hone their design and architecture skills, manage and reduce technical debt, refactor their designs, and address architecture risks. She also teaches and conducts workshops on design heuristics, agile design skills, system qualities, and a pragmatic approach to Agile Architecture. In her spare time she jogs (even in the rain). Rebecca is program director of the Agile Alliance’s Experience Report Initiative. She serves on the Board of the Hillside Group. Recently has written about the relationship between patterns and heuristics, architecture decision-making, and patterns for creating and managing magic backlogs. If you are interested in writing about your experiences, articulating your design heuristics more effectively, or sharing your wisdom in pattern form, contact Rebecca. She can help you turn your itch for writing into the written word.
Allen Holub is an internationally recognized software architect and Agile coach. Allen speaks all over the planet about these topics and agile-friendly implementation technology like microservices and incremental/evolutionary architecture. He provides in-house training and consulting as well. He excels at building highly functional Lean/Agile organizations and designing and building robust, highly scalable software suitable for agile environments. He’s worn every hat from CTO to grunt programmer. Allen is widely published. His works include 10 books, hundreds of articles in publications ranging from Dr. Dobb’s Journal to IBM DeveloperWorks), and video classes for (Agility with Allen) and for Pluralsight (Swift in Depth, Picturing Architecture, Object-Oriented Design), LinkedIn Learning (Architecture Fundamentals, and Domain-Driven Design), and O’Reilly (Design Patterns in the Real World). If you’d like to bring Allen in house for consulting or training work, set up a chat at to discuss your needs.
An internationally known author and speaker, Mike Amundsen travels the world discussing network architecture, Web development, and the intersection of technology and society. He works with companies large and small to help them capitalize on the opportunities provided by APIs, Microservices, and Digital Transformation. Amundsen has authored numerous books and papers. He contributed to the O’Reilly book, “Continuous API Management” (2018). His “RESTful Web Clients“, was published by O’Reilly in February 2017 and he co-authored “Microservice Architecture” (June 2016). His latest book — “Design and Build Great APIs” — for Pragmatic Publishing is scheduled for release in early 2020.
Luca Mezzalira is the vice president of architecture at DAZN. In his 16-year career, Luca has worked on cutting-edge projects for mobile, desktop, web, TVs, set-top boxes, and embedded devices. Luca is a Google Developer Expert on web technologies, the author of Front-End Reactive Architectures (Apress) and manager of the London JavaScript community. Check our latest Online Workshop with Luca Mezzalira here.
Eoin Woods is CTO at Endava, an international technology company that delivers solutions in the areas of digital, agile transformation and automation. As CTO, Eoin leads the technical strategy for the firm, guides capability development and directs investment in emerging technologies. Eoin is a widely published author in both the research and industrial communities, co-author of the well-known book “Software Systems Architecture“, published by Addison-Wesley and the recipient of the 2018 Linda Northrup Award for Software Architecture, from the Software Engineering Institute at CMU. He is a regular conference speaker and an active member of the London software engineering community. His main technical interests are software architecture, distributed systems and computer security.
George Fairbanks is a software developer, consultant, educator, and speaker who’s been developing software since the mid-80’s and teaching software design since the late 1990’s. He’s got a Ph.D. in Software Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University, advised by David Garlan and Bill Scherlis. He has publications on frameworks and software architecture in selective academic conferences, including OOPSLA and ICSE.
George has written production code for telephone switches, plugins for the Eclipse IDE, and everything for his own web dot-com startup. He’s currently a software engineer at Google.
George wrote the book Just Enough Software Architecture and it’s been reviewed well. He’s also been a program committee member for the Working International Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA), the International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM), and the European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA). He’s been a referee for IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE) and IEEE Software.
Michael Feathers is the Founder and Director of R7K Research & Conveyance, a company specializing in software and organization design. Prior to forming R7K, Michael was the Chief Scientist of Obtiva and a consultant with Object Mentor International. Over the past 20 years he has consulted with hundreds of organizations, supporting them with general software design issues, process change and code revitalization. He is a frequent presenter at national and international conferences.
He was involved in the early Agile movement and one of his passions is helping organizations recognize the impact of their internal organization and communication on the long term viability of their software products – putting interactions in place to prevent the accumulation of technical debt and lost business opportunities.
His goal is to make software development more effective and integrated with business concerns.
He is the author of the books: Working Effectively with Legacy Code, Brutal Refactoring: More Working Effectively with Legacy Code.
His main specialties are software development practices, TDD, Refactoring, Legacy Code Revitalization, and team dynamics.
Dave Farley is a thought-leader in the field of Continuous Delivery, DevOps and Software Development in general.
He is co-author of the Jolt-award winning book ‘Continuous Delivery‘, a regular conference speaker and blogger and one of the authors of the Reactive Manifesto.
Dave has been having fun with computers for over 30 years and has worked on most types of software, from firmware, through tinkering with operating systems and device drivers, to writing games and commercial applications of all shapes and sizes. He started working in large scale distributed systems more than 25 years ago, doing research into the development of loose-coupled, message-based systems – a forerunner of MicroService architectures.
Dave has a wide range of experience leading the development of complex software in teams, both large and small, in the UK and USA. Dave was an early adopter of agile development techniques, employing iterative development, continuous integration and significant levels of automated testing on commercial projects from the early 1990s.
Dave is the former Head of Software development at LMAX Ltd, home of the OSS Disruptor, a company that are well known for the excellence of their code and the exemplary nature of their development process.
Dave is now an independent software developer and consultant, and founder and director of Continuous Delivery Ltd.