Analyzing Architecture: sign up for the Metrics & Static Analysis Workshop!
July 10, 2020 2022-10-27 10:28Analyzing Architecture: sign up for the Metrics & Static Analysis Workshop!
Analyzing Architecture: sign up for the Metrics & Static Analysis Workshop!
Many organizations have the urgent need to modernize applications that have grown over the years and are not in very good architectural shape anymore. Often those monoliths resemble more the dreaded big ball of mud than a well organized software system. Modernization might mean migration to micro services or to a cleaner architecture based on Domain Driven Design. But before you can start with the big modernization you should analyze what you have. That allows you to estimate if building from scratch might be cheaper after all.
Analyzing Architecture with metrics and Static Analysis: a workshop by Alexander von Zitzewitz
We’ve a new exciting online course coming up at Apium Academy. Next September 29th, Alexander von Zitzewitz, entrepreneur in the software business and one of the founders of hello2morrow, an ISV specializing in static analysis tools that can enforce architecture and quality rules during development and maintenance of software systems. He’s worked in the industry since the early 1980s and focuses on the role of software architecture and technical quality on successful project outcomes, is giving a Metrics & Static Analysis Workshop.
During this online workshop students will explore Metrics like ACD, Propagation Cost, Maintainability level, Structural Debt Index and many more. Also will use a free tool like Sonargraph-Explorer to answer the hard questions about a software system that needs modernization. They will learn the ability to effectively analyze architecture other quality aspects and how to avoid ending up with a big ball of mud again.
New online format: a practical approach
We always listen to our students feedback so we can keep improving. One of the most recurrent wishes from our students due to COVID-19 situation, is to offer online practical workshops.
So, the workshop will consist of a total of 1 session of 3 hours. It will be a workshop with practical exercises focused on applying the acquired knowledge. With that structure in mind, here’s the resulting course outline:
Analyzing Architecture with metrics and Static Analysis Workshop Outline:
- What is architecture
- Architectural patterns
- Architecture characteristics (-illities)
- Architecture pattern languages
- Architectural fitness functions
- Software metrics for architects
- Architectural smells
- Why cyclic dependencies are bad and how to break them
- Architectural models and architectural governance
- Monolith assessment checklist
- Live analysis (where you can follow along on your own code)
- Tracking metrics over time
- Tools and methods for architectural governance (open source and commercial tools)
How to enroll?
You have two methods to enroll to the Building Micro-Frontends Online Workshop: contacting us, or via Xing, a 100% secure platform where you’ll be able to do the payment right away. Price: 100€