Barcelona Free Software community organized “Why snaps?” meetup in Apium Academy

Barcelona Free Software community organized “Why snaps?” meetup in Apium Academy
It’s mid of December and that means that we have the last events of the year happening in Apium Academy during this week. One of them is: “Why snaps?” by Barcelona Free Software community.
Auditorium in Apium Academy is for software communities
As we have mentioned, Apium Academy isn’t just an academy of software development and architecture courses in Barcelona. Apium Academy is a place where software enthusiasts can learn and share knowledge. Apium Academy is a perfect place to reunite with like-minded people and learn from each other! At Apium Academy we feel like part of the Barcelona Software Community and we try to help it grow by doing everything we can; organizing and hosting events by different software communities.
Barcelona Free Software Community
On Monday, Barcelona Free Software community organized it’s meetup in Apium Academy, inviting Olivier Tilloy from Canonical to talk about Snaps.
What is Barcelona Free Software?
This community is for Free software enthusiasts in Barcelona. It hosts FLOSS-oriented talks addressed to developers and users depending on the occasion. They’d love to meet everyone interested in free and open technologies around the city and discuss it both in presentations and in more relaxed environments. You can learn more about the group in
Why Snaps?
This time their event was hosted in Apium Academy and we had a chance to listen to Olivier Tilloy, who works on the Ubuntu Desktop Team at Canonical, where he maintains deb and snap packages for browsers (firefox, chromium), for thunderbird and related components, and for other desktop components.
He was talking about snap packages: what they are, why you should be considering them to distribute your (desktop|server|IoT) applications, and where they come from, with a fair bit of historical background including floppy disks, dial-in modems, and a retrospective of package management in Linux distributions.
Events like this makes us feel good, makes us happy that we take part in such interesting events and meet new community members.
If you are planning to organize a software development or software architecture event in Barcelona and searching for a venue, let us know! We would be happy to show you our Auditorium in the center of Barcelona.