Write Maintainable Backends: Sign up for the Backend Architecture Course!

Write Maintainable Backends: Sign up for the Backend Architecture Course!
Here at Apium Academy we’re hard at work preparing the new course, meaning this September will come full of news. One of them: Tuesday, September 17th will be the starting point of the Backend Architecture Course, which will be taught by Álvaro García, Principal Engineer at Apiumhub, and Rafa Ruiz, Tech Lead at the same company. It will be the first edition of this course, and we’ll use this chance to change the format a bit, based on the feedback given by our students.
Backend Architecture Course: Write Maintainable Backends
During the Backend Architecture course you will learn how to work with Kotlin, architecting a scalable and maintainable code.You will also learn how to apply DDD to model your business processes, split into bounded contexts, how to apply TDD to keep the code free of bugs and how to apply the best practices to produce maintainable, high-quality software.
At Apium Academy we don’t want solely to teach some theoretical knowledge, but also to show its applications on real, current issues, with practical exercises done with the teacher’s help. We also pay special attention to methodology, and our teachers will make sure the students learn how to apply best practices on their daily tasks so they can create a quality code.
New format: More sessions, more practical exercises
As we’ve already mentioned, we always listen to our students feedback so we can keep improving. One of the most recurrent wishes from our students is that they want more on-site practical exercises. And that’s precisely what we’ll start to apply during the Backend Architecture Course.
So, the course will consist of a total of 24 sessions of 2 hours each. It will follow this structure: 2 theory + practical lessons followed by a practical guided exercises lesson focused on applying the acquired knowledge. With that structure in mind, here’s the resulting course outline:
Backend Architecture Course Outline:
- Lesson 1 (17/09): Introduction: Kotlin + Functional Theory + Practice
- Lesson 2 (19/09): Test-Driven Development (I) Theory + Practice
- Practical Guided Exercises ( 20/09 ): based on lesson 1 & 2
- Lesson 3 (25/09): SOLID + Principles Theory + Practice
- Lesson 4 (26/09): Refactoring Legacy Code Theory + Practice
- Practical Guided Exercises ( 27/09 ): based on lesson 3 & 4
- Lesson 5 (1/10): Backend Architecture Theory + Practice
- Lesson 6 (3/10): Domain-Driven Design (I) Theory + Practice
- Practical Guided Exercises ( 4/10 ): based on lesson 5 & 6
- Lesson 7 (8/10): Domain-Driven Design (II) Theory + Practice
- Lesson 8 (11/10): Test-Driven Development (II) Theory + Practice
- Practical Guided Exercises ( 15/10): based on lesson 7 & 8
Course Topics
- Paradigms: Object-Oriented (polymorphism, inheritance…) + Functional (immutability, streams, …)
- Decoupling services (repository pattern, application service, domain service…): Functional Core + Imperative Shell
- Architecture patterns: Clean Architecture, Hexagonal Architecture (Ports & Adapters)
- Testing: types of test, test doubles, other tools
- Domain-Driven Design (DDD)
- Design Principles (SOLID, KISS, DRY, …)
- Patterns (MVC, Use Case, Factory, builder, adapter, facade, decorator…)
How to enroll?
You have two methods to enroll to the Backend Architecture Course: contacting us, or via Xing, a 100% secure platform where you’ll be able to do the payment right away. Price: 499€