Refactoring to Patterns: Second Workshop by Wlodek Krakowski

Refactoring to Patterns: Second Workshop by Wlodek Krakowski
As we mentioned just a while ago, next October 23rd we’ll organize an Effective Refactoring workshop in our offices. And this workshop won’t be alone, since we’ve already booked its second part, which will also take place here in Apium Academy. We’re talking about the Refactoring to Patterns workshop, also courtesy of Włodek Krakowski. Włodek Krakowski is an independent technical trainer specializing in maintaining code quality through refactoring. His main interest is taking care of delivering valued software from different perspectives. He writes blog at
The workshop will take place during the 20th and 21st of November and, as we’ve already said, it will be a continuation of the “Effective Refactoring” training, so it will be done under the assumption that attendees can perform some initial clean-up of codebase. Such a clean-up is a must-have step as otherwise you will not be able to notice emerging design patterns out of the mess of your legacy code.
Refactoring to Patterns Workshop Timetable:
- Class Start: 09:00
- Coffee Break: 10:45-11:00
- Lunch Break: 12:45-13:30
- Coffee Break: 15:00-15:30
- Coffee Break: 16:30-16:45
- Class End: 17:30
Goals of the Workshop:
- Learn to tackle with emergent design from long term point of view. Make architectures more extendable and readable by applying design patterns. Attendees will gain technical skills based on self live coding but also learn how organization of work within the team / company influences on final quality. They will gain ideas to experiment with adjustments to the way work is organized that can improve outcome quality.
- The attendees will experience how design patterns might simplify but also de-simplify the design. How patterns solve the problems at current state of design but without continuous refactoring introduce next issues if the design is followed with copy-paste thoughts only. They will experience a threshold of complexity behind which usage of design patterns pays off.
Refactoring to Patterns – Topics:
Ideas Principales
Core Ideas
- Practice of refactoring into selected design patterns
- Understand relation between outcome quality and setup of development process
- Inspire to experiment with quality by adjusting development process
Day 1
Keynote: 5 Dysfunctions of a Team that impede refactoring
Refactorings that end up with below design patterns
- Interpreter
- Chain of Responsibility
- Composite
- Factory Method
- Abstract Factory
- State
Day II
Keynote: 6 Sources of Influence that enforce or impede with refactorings
Refactorings that end up with below design patterns
- Fluent Builder
- Proxy
- Template
- Bridge
- Command
- Adapter
Requirements and Reference Materials:
Regular developers specializing in Java technologies. We will use Java 1.8 version as compiler.
All the attendees are expected to install the below before the workshop, so all attendees start the workshop together at the same time.
- Java 1.8 (or newer)
- IntelliJ Community Edition (or Ultimate Edition if you own the licence)
- Maven 3
The Java Source Code to be installed will be provided during the workshop.
Date and Price:
The Refactoring to Patterns workshop will take place on November 20th & 21st. The price is 500€. The maximum number of attendees will be 12 people. You can choose between two different payment methods for this workshop:
- Method 1: Bank Transfer
- Method 2: Xing (Direct payment using your Credit Card)