July 6, 2023 2023-07-06 10:53Instructor

Ferran Ferri
Ferran Ferri is a professional of QA with nearly 20 years of experience testing and breaking things. He began their career testing manually but soon realized that the human brain can be better used in automated testing to test repetitive tasks. He participated in several projects about multiple aspects of testing, like performance testing, API and contract testing. After some years doing all kinds of testing, he started looking for a bigger picture, getting involved in Devops knowledge and processes. For Ferran, quality is a culture that should be shared by the whole company and improves by establishing well known processes. The tests must have a direct impact on the development process to be useful, and should create invaluable information.
1 Course
0 Students
- €500.00
Road to a better quality
0 Lessons0 Students