Learn Best Android Practices in Barcelona with Apium Academy

Learn Best Android Practices in Barcelona with Apium Academy
Save the date: October 21st. That day, the second edition of Apium Academy’s Android Architecture course will begin. Diego Ojeda, Android Lead at Apiumhub, will again take the reins as a teacher, and will make sure the students learn best Android practices, coroutines, dependency injection, SOLID principles and more.
The alumni that attended the first edition were very happy about it, mentioning how it helped them improve on their everyday tasks as developers, so if that sounds good to you, keep reading!
Android Architecture Course
The Architecting Android: Patterns & Best Practices course is specially addressed to Android experts looking to expand their knowledge and learn how to apply best practices in their everyday routine.
All those who attend this course will learn: which are the main architectures used in Android and their advantages, the essential tools, the latest components Google added to Android Jetpack and testing with the help of Roboelectric.
At the end of the course, the students will receive a Completion Certificate.
Be aware though: the course will be done entirely in Spanish.
Android Architecture Course Outline:
As we’ve said, the course will start next October 21st. Lessons will be on Mondays and Wednesdays from 18:30 to 20:00. The complete course outline is as follows:
- Lesson 1 (21/10): Kotlin (I)
- Lesson 2 (23/10): Kotlin (II)
- Lesson 3 (28/10): Unit Testing & TDD
- Lesson 4 (30/10): Clean Architecture
- Lesson 5 (04/11): MVP & MVVM
- Lesson 6 (06/11): UI Testing
- Lesson 7 (11/11): Creating UI Components
- Lesson 8 (13/11): Best Practices
Android Architecture Course topics
- Kotlin (Functional programming, immutability…)
- Architecture (Clean Architecture)
- Design patterns: MVP, MVC, MVVM
- Rx, LiveData, coroutines
- Dependency injection with Koin
- Architecture components (Jetpack)
- Testing (Robolectric4, mockk, junit)
How to sign up for the Android Architecture Course
The price for the full course is 363€. To sign up, you can choose between two different payment methods to book your place:
- Método 1: Bank Transfer
- Método 2: Direct Payment using Xing
If all this sounds good to you and you want to be a part of this course, we highly recommend to hurry up and book your place ASAP, since the places are limited! See you there?